Best of the Net 2008  



Daniel Hudon's "Instructions on How to Build a Cloud" from The Cafe Irreal
Blake Butler's "Landlord" from Memorious
John Ottey's "Missive to T" from LITnIMAGE
Clare Kirwan's "Parallel Conservatory" from Contrary
Carey Wallace's "Century Room" from Qarrtsiluni


Allyson Boggess's "Citrus" from Eight Octaves Review
Jayne Pupek's "Census of Seagulls" from Anti-Poetry
Jake Adam York's "Secession" from Anti-Poetry
Dana Guthrie Martin's "And the Crickets Outside the Window" from qarrtsiluni
Monica Raymond's "Moth and Rat" from qarrtsiluni
Steven Cramer's "The Benevolence of the Butcher" from Memorius
Bob Hicok's "Pretend these are the rules" from Memorius
Dorine Preston's "Ode to Doubt" from Memorius
John Balaban's "Finishing Up the Novel After Some Delay" from Memorius
Sarah Yost's "First Summer" from eclectica
David Cazden's "Poem in Which Time Is Portrayed as an Old Woman" from Apple Valley Review
Maureen Thorson's "Superman Would Like to Come Down Now" from Beltway Poetry Quarterly
Charlotte Runcie's "The Masked Ball" from The Shit Creek Review
John Yau's "Lost Love Song of the Ice Cream Truck" from Tarpaulin Sky Press
Emily Anderson's "Hints" from Sawbuck
Mia Nussbaum 's "Saw This & Marked It" from No Tell Motel
Ben Kopel's "The Plan" from Juked
Blake Butler's "Ruiner" from Juked
Kristy Bowen 's "widows peak" from blossombones
Lauren Levato's "Acrididae" from blossombones
Ed Taylor's "Tokyo Swimming Pool" from Not Just Air
Sandra Beasley's "Heretic" from Drunken Boat
S.L. Wisenberg's "The Bobolinis" from Contrary
Leland Zhi's "Window" from Thick With Conviction
John Gallaher's "Left Facing Bird" from Left Facing Bird
Lindsey Anne Baker's "Practicing" from Left Facing Bird
Andy Grace's "From Sancta" from Left Facing Bird
Jehanne DuBrow's "Poem 22" from Fringe
Pattabi Seshadri's "Chairs" from Fringe
John Amen's "P.S. From Paradise" from Rattle
Alberto Alvaro Rios's "Arizona, The Sun, And What That's Like" from Narrative
Lucia Perillo's "Notes from My Apprenticeship" from Narrative
Marvin Bell's "What I Do" from Narrative
Kathy Davis's "In the Victorian Language of the Fan" from diode
