Best of the Net 2011  


Participant Qualifications

  • Submissions must come from the editor of the publication (journal, chapbook, online press, etc), or, if the work is self-published, it must be sent by the author.
  • Submissions must have originally appeared online, though later print versions are acceptable.
  • The poem, story, or essay must have been first published or appeared on the web between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.
  • Each entry may include up to six poems, two stories, and two works of creative nonfiction for consideration.
  • Submissions should include both the URL of the poem, story, or essay as well as a full text version in a Word or RTF document.
  • All submissions must include the author's name and email address as well as the name, contact info, and URL of the journal.
  • Submissions must be sent via email to
  • Submissions must be sent between July 1st and September 30th, 2012.

All participating journals or presses will receive a link from the site when the issue is released regardless of whether their submissions were chosen. A complete list of finalists will also be published.

We are also pleased to announce that this year will mark the first year that we will also be publishing an e-book of the anthology as a compendium to our online anthology! Don't worry though; as always, the anthology will be completely free to our readers, as internet writing was always intended to be!

For more information, email us at

-Erin Elizabeth Smith
Managing Editor, Best of the Net
Founder of Sundress Publications
