C. E. Laine


You mull under giant leaves, deep
in the Belgian Congo.

I'd like to wind one into a sarong,
something you'd want to peel back slowly.

Instead, I thumb the books you've finished,
wonder which words got stuck in your head.

You didn't notice my short dress, or the hint
of violets I dabbed over my blue-veined heart.

Even as I swayed, so my hem lifted like mist
over a harvest moon, you read on.

I want to rise over your dark continent,
drag my hands through thick foliage

cling like thick-sweet mango
to the roof of your mouth.

Location: Falls Church, Virginia
Email: poet@celaine.com
Website: http://www.celaine.com
Publications: Thunder Sandwich, Absinthe Literary Review, Poems Niederngasse, 2River View, Kota Press, The Adirondack Review, The Melic Review, etc.
Books: Allegory, The Weight of Dust
Awards: Pushcart Prize nominee 2003
Editor Of: VLQ and Erosha

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