Stirring : A Literary Collection

Shann Palmer


Inspired by "Larry the Liar" by Philip Levine

He loved liars,
clever ones
those who chew words
into new shapes
spitting them at his feet
like a proud pet
bringing trophy catches.

This is not a lie:
to say you went to Spain
when you visited Portugal,
that is only misdirection.

Better to say:
"I was followed by a man
wearing red suspenders."
Then, shut the drapes, walk to the wall,
ask if there is any horseradish.
Absurd behavior creates vivid assumptions.

When she left him the last time,
he was honored by her story.
A tribute to love, misplaced
somewhere in the linen drawer.
Unused, with salt cellars
seafood forks, and brocade napkins.

She told him her brother was missing.
Only she would be able to save him,
she knew he was in the Lost City.

"Of gold?" he was intrigued already.
"I cannot say," she answered.

Location: Richmond, Virginia
Publications: Echoes, Maelstrom, Minotaur, Eclectica, Snakeskin, Melic Review, PIF, etc.
Other: Correspondent for for the Virginia/DC area, Performs jazz/poetry with her combo VILLANELLE, Board monitor for the Melic Review and previously edited La Petite Zine at Webdelsol, issues 2 and 3.

Stirring : A Literary Collection

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