Stirring : A Literary Collection

Jennifer Poteet


We only posed for that picture
to see if the camera worked.
All smiles, you and I
embraced under the flash
just as we slipped away.

There was a drink
called Stormy Weather.
Its base was ginger beer and rum.
The sticky sweet
never crept into the room we shared:
all rattan and light.

The ocean sprayed
its pink debris upon each hidden cove.
You and I were freezing, remember?
On this island one very cold November.

Date of Birth: 2/15/64
Location: Glen Ridge, New Jersey
Publications: Samsara Quarterly, The Absinthe Literary Review, The Melic Review, Thunder Sandwich, The Astrophysicist's Tango Partner Speaks, The Red River Review, Conspire, Atomic Petals, The Eclipse, Stirring V2:E5, V2:E7

Stirring : A Literary Collection

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