Katie Longofono


Teeth hover, six loaves of bread
above your upturned face.

You think soft, then fuck you
but stay quiet while he moves
with a hardness like a gun.

You walk home with a hole in you.

You wake for weeks
with a white film on your lips,
smothered by soggy bread.

You sleep without a pillow
because it is too gentle and white,

and every morning crumble
dry toast into the drain.

Your husband stops smiling.
You cover the mirrors,
build a house without teeth,

smash every shining thing you own,
every wine glass and vase.

When your husband begins to sweep
you say leave it, you like sharp things,
and when you cut your foot
it feels good to finally breathe.

Katie Longofono is a writer living in Bronxville, NY, where she is pursuing an MFA in poetry at Sarah Lawrence College. Her first chapbook The Angel of Sex was published by dancing girl press; she also has a collaborative chapbook with Mary Stone Dockery, titled Honey and Bandages, forthcoming from Folded Word Press. Katie is currently the director of the 2014 Sarah Lawrence College Poetry Festival and the poetry editor for Stone Highway Review.

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