Torrey Smith


Productive in private, take a break from
the public eye this week. You're in too much
of a hurry. Take time. Save yourself some
regret. Leave, let go, then get back in touch
with what you want. Give yourself more. More space,
more time, and more genuine excitement.
But like, not too much, just enough to face
your creativity. Be efficient.
Your week will be rad if you organize...
obsessively. You're totally buggin
but you'll be ok with a few well-placed lies.
Other signs suspect you're a part of a coven,
but that's just it. You're not really a witch,
you're perfect and strong, a bittersweet bitch.

Torrey Smith is a writer, editor, and artist from Colorado. She received her B.A. in History and Creative Writing, from Gonzaga University in 2014. Her poetry has appeared in Blueshift Journal, Heavy Edit, Toothtaker, and Reflection Journal. She completed her M.A. in the Critical Theory and Creative Research Program at the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon in 2015, where her thesis focused on specific modes of idealism and elitism in digital language use, in particular, the appropriation of quotations within social media as identity markers. Torrey now lives in Omaha, NE, where she has begun making zines and participating in the local art scene.

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