Margo Berdeshevsky


Margo Berdeshevsky, born in New York City, often lives and writes in Paris. Her latest collection, “Before The Drought,” is from Glass Lyre Press, (a finalist for the National Poetry Series.) A new collection, “It Is Still Beautiful To Hear The Heart Beat ” is forthcoming from Salmon Poetry. “Kneel Said the Night (a hybrid book in half-notes)” is forthcoming from Sundress Publications. Berdeshevsky is author as well of “Between Soul & Stone” and “But a Passage in Wilderness” (Sheep Meadow Press.) Her book of illustrated stories, “Beautiful Soon Enough,” received the first Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Award for Fiction Collective Two (University of Alabama Press.) Other honors include the Robert H. Winner Award from the Poetry Society of America. Her works appear in Poetry International, New Letters, The Night Heron Barks, Kenyon Review, Plume, The Collagist, Tupelo Quarterly, Gulf Coast, Southern Humanities Review, Pleiades, Prairie Schooner, The American Journal of Poetry, Jacar—One, Mānoa, Pirene’s Fountain, Big Other, Dark Matter: Women Witnessing, among many others. In Europe and the UK her works have been seen in The Poetry Review, PN Review, The Wolf, Europe, Siècle 21, Confluences Poétiques, Recours au Poème, Levure Littéraire, Under the Radar. She may be found reading from her books in London, Paris, New York City, Los Angeles, Honolulu, at literary festivals, and/or somewhere new in the world. Her “Letters from Paris” have appeared for many years in Poetry International online. For more information, kindly see here:
