A - L Writers

Ryan Able Last Meal
Erica Adams the sea in me
Melissa Ahart Dreaming of Portugal
Sonnet for a Blue Spinet
Tyurina Allen to protagonist ; from antagonist
God is a Woman *
Being Young and Knowing a Little
A Childhood Compared to a Nine-Hour Workday
Lisette Alonso Slightly Askew
John Amen Portraits of Anne #11
Carlos Ancalmo That was the year of my magical underwear
Bek Andoloro On the Seventh Day
Arlene Ang In Memoriam
The House of Correction *
What's In a Worm?
Scruples: Manila, 1996
N. Antosca Angel Meat
jose angel araguz ghazal on hemingway and birds
Katie Armour The Last Supper
David Arroyo The Marriage Chamber
Kenneth Ashworth Evidence of a Near Life Experience
David Ayer Stopping by Crabs at a Chinese Market
La Niņa, Arizona
Being the Squid
Aidan Baker Naming
Walter Bargen Conjugating Anatomies
Domino Coffee Shop
Carole Barkley The Morning After
Laird Barron Pastoral (I)
Abstract No. 6
Barsha Pamela
Amy M. Bartlett Letter on the Eve of My Wedding
Priscilla Barton The Birdbath
Thomas Bates New Zechariah
Killing Cattle for Disease, Greeley, 1998 *
Karin L. Becker Autumn Rain *
grace bedwell what it comes to / october
Marck L. Beggs The National Endowment for the Arts: A Parable
Shannon Bell The Mothers
Melissa Benham If you want me
For Gala-Salvador Dali *
Toni La Ree Bennett Six Stab Wounds
Linda Benninghoff Canadian Geese
F.J. Bergmann Travelogue
Nine Dreams
Jim Bertolino The Porch
Jacob Bettany The Necessary Witch
Sheila Black The Runners
Objects Waiting to Be Dangerous
Tattoo Man of Coney Island
Jane Blue Four Ghazals
Robert Bohm Henka
To Federico from One of the Disappeared
The Precipice Poems
For C.C. and Mr. Shaman
Dear Anna *
James Boice An American Suicide
Linda Boroff Light Fingers *
Kristy Bowen Anna Burns the Dictionary
Tornado Weather
After the Flood
On the Way to California (1849)
Theresa Boyar Sympathetic Magic
Still Life With Punk Rocker
Translations of Peace
The Brothers Grimm, Imagined as Rivalrous Siblings
Mariel Boyarsky River
Anita K. Boyle The Porch
Eirean Bradley the disgruntled women's chorus sings accompaniment on the beta male blues *
Tom Bradley The Breaded Side of the Mandarin
Bob Bradshaw Maybe
The Middle Years
Kristine Briese If Death Was a Man
Iain Britton And You Have Been Fruitful
Michael Broek The Divine Comedy Explained
Larry R. Brooks Two Year Old Child
Jason Lee Brown Memory Selection
Robin Brownfield You Were On My Mind
Teri Browning Something Like This
Nick Bruno Osteo - Paradigm
Ferraris and First Communions
John Bryan Lake Mungo 3
Chaste, like Surrealism
Alaina Burri-Stone Untitled
Janet I. Buck The Haunted House
Grammy's Tools
Sonnets in a Land of Prose
Thin Soap
Goodbyes of Chalk
Roaches Running From the Light
Witnessing a Question Mark
marina buckler Kirsten. South Tucson, Arizona. August 2004.
Asleep in Our Light
upon waking
the difference between tea
a letter to Baca
William C. Burns, Jr. Poet Lover
Jessica Bush In Retrospect
For our dead cat . . . *
Laurie Byro Sari
Jhoanna Calma The Hand
Michelle Cameron Limbs
Groundhog Day All Over Again
Writing Romances
In Any Other Sky
The Man I Might Have Kissed
Body Parts for Art *
Ghazal: Circumferance
Stopped for Death
Michael Campagnoli Snapshot of Chief Peter Setate’ket Nicola in Headgear and Kilts
Jonathan Campbell Marie
Gaetana Cannavo Suicide Manual for the Perfectionist
Debbie Carlos Untitled
Lawrence Carradini Sometimes, A Bird Wearing Water
Fandango de las Calaveras
Little Mother
Meagan Cass Hand in Hand
Alan Catlin Sunday Afternoon Fever
David Cazden Tassels
Iced Coffee
Calling The Minnows *
Winter Fire
Your Organic Garden
Indian Summer
Michel Cicero Ashes to Ashes
C. E. Chaffin Fractured Sestina
Benjamin Chambers A Recommendation for Dismissal of the Operative
Three Views of Moonchance
Jill Chan Density
Clark Chatlain A Beautiful Ruse
Gu Cheng Huadiao Soliloquy
Rebecca Clark The Difference Between Dreams
Jennifer Clarvoe Lining
Judy Clem Staying in the Lines
Marcia Cohee April Quartet
Who Are You To Know
Dee Cohen Lime Ave Evening
Lisa Janice Cohen Lilacs for One Hundred Springs
Sacred Ground
Robert B. Cooke They Sleep, They Walk
White Flight
Christina Conrad for Stoneking - Christmas Eve night - 1996
Melissa Consiglio Stretch
Cutting the Cord
K.R. Copeland Dirty Sonnet II.
Christy Cottle Lucky Wound
The Downtown Upanishads
Hannah Craig A Collection of Parts in Search of the Girl
String Lessons
Gregory Crosby Midnight at the Hot Springs
Dana Cutts she said, we are all looking for things...
a letter to DeAndrea: flowers in your pocket
Rachel Dacus Puako Beached
Rain Hula at Anini Beach
At the Thousand Cranes Auto Repair
Catherine Daly Grain
Alison Daniel Naming Trees
The Blown Fuse
Diaphanous Glaze
White As Camphor
Nurses Who Love Too Much
My Dear
real gorgeous
Alexander Danner Five Ways to Love a Cockroach
Milk and Honey
Ralph Dartford Oxford Blue
The Man From Naples
Chad Davidson Leaving Pound's Grave
Glass Houses
The Taxidermist's Wife
Devin Wayne Davis grammar has an a
Alyson Dayus On finding my first grey hair
Martha Deed Research and Dire Predictions
Maryanne Hillis Del Gigante Shattered *
Morning Raga
Casa La Matta
Lori DeLozier Masterpiece Without Deer
Alan DeNiro Territory
Miranda Dennis Resignation Letter
The Socratic Method
Girls Unsmiling
Tom De Poto Bobo
Doug Dennison Passion Haiku
Amerelyse Derby the photographed
J. Dewey Mama Reads
Rosanne Dingli Cadaver and Embryo
An angel, naked and possessed
Christina Wos’ Donnelly Impressions at the Monument
Coveting the Ends of Bread
Creation Myth
Holley Dottley What You Wanted
Peter Douglas A Rebeginning
Death Poem
Point of Entry *
The Actor
One of Our Haunts
Rodin's Stare *
Jerry Dreesen On Reading "The Shipping News"
First Performance
Never Open a Suitcase in the Rain
Alison Dunne How to Build A Man
Moth *
Arthur Durkee CTA
Julie Failla Earhart Death in the Afternoon
Monalesia Earle A Train and a Farmhouse
Mieke Eerkens Touched
Kitchen Spirits
Eve Eldred For Mary Kay LeTourneau
David Erlewine My Night On Letterman
Erin Elizabeth Jenna
Emory Elkins Downtown Litmus -- Ballad of a Thin Cigarette
Capitalist Eyes
Rachel Epstein Softening
Jeffrey Ewing Before a Rain
Attrition *
Raymond Farr After Reading Heaney's Field Work
Richard Fein Ficus Aurea
The Park Ranger
Stacy M. Floyd Midnight Without You
Suzanne Frischkorn While Reading Your Poems
Michael's Voice Slips Fragments
Stacey Fruits Leaded
Joel Fry Down Here in Alabama
Mike Fulton The Body
The Greater New Orleans Sanitation Workers Strike
Claire Fuqua Plans for Bringing Back a Dead Baby
Michaela A. Gabriel friday
Andrew Gallix Sweet Fanny Adams
Parris Garnier Passing
2 Elbows, 18 Fingers, 5 Flights Up
Dancing With A Penis
Denis Michel Garrison The Museum of Holds
Paw's Long Term Memory Begins To Rot
Larks Die Too
Ryn Gargulinski Mort the Cat
Primatine Mist
C.R. Garza The Ghost of My Right Arm
Tim Gavin Idiot Spring
Teri Geahlen What I Did Last Summer
Hey You Kids, Get That Dirty Bomb Off My Lawn!
Stanley Gemmell Eight years
Brenda Gerritsma Subtleties
Robert Gibbons I Mistook the Furs for Scratches
Lust for Light *
Under the Spell of the Ballerina
Ron Gibson, Jr. Pirouette
Jeremiah Gilbert Constructing the Nativity
Tara Gilbert-Brever Herd
Divinity is for angels
My Best
Jeff Gitchel Holes
Anna Gitlitz Beth David
Ani Gjika As They Lay Nibbling
I am afraid of discontinuance
I Hate Your Poetry.
A Cat’s Lives
Cynthia Glass The Fear
Christina Gleason Handprint
Linda Goin Holding Patterns
Sabrina Goldstein Victim
Howard Good Customs
Susan Gorgioski And Still, This Time
Shasta Grant Dog Walking
Tim Green Circus
Time-Lapsed Photography
Alan W. Greenwood Farm Stop Near White Sands, NM
John Grey Rain on the Roof
Michael Gray Griffith Death in a Supermarket
Maybe One
Salty Portrait Of An Abstract Poet
Claudia Grinnell Shutins
Introduction to Poetry
Being Dead and All
Emily Gropp Our Little Knocker
Kyle Wade Grove Seoul - Midmorning
Jason Gurley What Albert Held
Giving Her Up
Jane Halpert Day of Reckoning
Christine Hamm Things that are Left at K-mart, According my Dream on Wednesday
Annalynn Hammond The Cats and Kings of Psilocybin
Jennifer Hanks What Love Does
Greta Hansen Pocahontas
Josh Hanson The Excavation
The Image (After Ovid)
The Homeless Garden
Charles Harris Hogs Loosed En Route to Slaughter *
Matt Hart Apology Crisis
Kathryn Hawkins Picture This
Todd Heldt Waking Where I Come From
The Masturbating Baboon at the Brookfield Zoo
Nicholas Hengen She's Going Away
Mike Hession Elegy
After Ejaculation *
Ice House
Rodger L. Hilliard Past. Present. Future?
Richard Hillman When Two Poets Collide
Erin Hitzelberg Self-Portrait
Ronald Hobbs The Pretty Homeless Boy
Brandon Hobson Little Shadows
Ann Holdreith Curving *
Cynthia J. Hollenbeck The Drummer
Jewel Box
Tammy Houtz Anonymity
Wendy Howe Omen
Kostas Hrisos Useful
Eileen Hugo Invitation
Coral Hull Zoo Wolf That Escaped During a Hurricane Led Safely Home
Mandy Hurley Too Many to Name
Jon Ingold And They Say He Shall Return
How to Build an Impossible Staircase *
Lauren Ireland In Lapse of Conversation
My Father Meets a Mexican
Kathleen Sullivan Isacson Strip
Three Pietās
Aaron Jackson Sept. 10th
Sarah Ruth Upton Jacobs A dusk earthworm quivering in my palm before dawn
Mike Jasper Winter Hunt
Tim Jeski Requiem for a Blind Watchmaker
H L Johanson Heart on the Table
Craig Johnson Syrian Rapsodiazul
David Johnson Love Poem
Kelsey Johnson Almost Blue
Roxane Beth Johnson When Depressed
Sara Johnson On Watching a Birth Alone at 3AM
Labor *
Connor Jordan Beneath Ash Leaves
Yearning Ariadne
Richard Jordan Playing it Back
Buffalo Wings
kris t kahn Dusk
the things we do for Kings must end sometime
annotated versions of histories ...
south street seaport, nyc
what we will plant
this is a poem
Ilya Kaminsky Marina Tsvetaeva
Marie Kane Evening
Silver Lake
Joy Kaplan The New York Boyfriends
Michael Karpinski Aloha
All the Underground Madmen
Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis Thirst
Les Kay Intimations, Fever
Kirk D. Keen A Fairing to the Willow
Mike Keenan Hand
Scott Keeney Surrealism Du Jour
Ward Kelley But Now
Garrett Patrick Kelly Verano
Connie Kemila Swan Song
Joseph Kerschbaum Winter Flowers
Sean Thomas Kilpatrick We Interrupt This Program...
Christina Kiplinger-Johns Lines
Michael Knox Northern Earth
A.C. Koch Rave
Rosemarie Koch Prince
First Time
Deborah P. Kolodji Earthquake Headache
Sharon Kourous Highlights
Letter from the Antipodes
Syrie Kovitz I would kiss your shadow, follow you blindly, fumbling in your darkness...
L'Epitaphe- She was the Dreamer, She was the whore, / She wore her death on the inside.
Self Portrait by Window
C'est Moi
Alec Kowalczyk Beginning The End
Gary Kuhlmann Song
Still Life with Oysters and Lemon
In the Language of Illness
Dead Sleep
trisha renae kummer Faeries
Make-up Erotica
nicoLe sativa kurlish Ultraviolet
Death by Divination
Devilish Kim
[and they say women dont reach their sexual peak till thirty.]
Sun Spot Rings
[we not about sex]
C. E. Laine missing you while you read about africa
erika renee lanier choice *
Elizabeth Larrabe Heather
Hiram Larew A Plate of Cookies
Graham Lauder Hunter
Dorianne Laux Trying to Raise the Dead *
The Student
The Word *
Stellasue Lee Children in Praise of ...
John Lemon Colonoscopy
Timothy M. Leonard Kuwait Fall Love Letter
Joseph Levens A State of Affair
Donald Levering Bus Stop
Last Will & Testament of the Millennium
Donald Levin Bell's Palsy Strikes the Dwarf's Mother
Karen Lewis Grace
Things I Learned Last Week
james lineberger carved in formica
how to skin a cat
the other night bobby came to work in drag
that friday, april five
when we were little
At the Chelsea
when we moved back here
unto the breech some more
in the pink
my cousin jesse lee
Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Spartanburg *
Virtually Yours
Ev'rybody's Somebody's Fool
You Know Who Your Father Is
Gina Liotta Leftovers
Joseph Lisowski Treatment
Aftermath of Accident
Jimmy Lo On Moving Out
Peter Lobdell A Nightcap for Redcap
Lugnuts of the Soul
Norman Lock A Discourse on History
The Object of our Hatred
Duane Locke An Old Japanese Poet
The Day
Goodbye Circe
Heather Long Adagio
Kathryn Anita Loynes Valentine (Funny how we assumed)
Rebecca Lu Kiernan The Incredible Shrinking Man
Midlife Circus
Math in Leon County
Of This World *
Marek Lugowski What Did the Mentally Ill Do on the Second Day Out
H. Maure Luke No Deaths, No Mysteries to Solve
Rick Lupert Entire Fucking Sausage
How to Kiss *
Kate Lutzner Dear Jon
the woman and the child
Edward C. Lynskey Keats in Boston
The Dutchman's Razors

* - Stirring's Best Of

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